geng budak slumber

Saturday, September 14, 2013



Sering...dalam hidup aku...datang dua pilihan..

Memaksa aku untuk pilih salah satunya..

Untuk aku stay...dan berbahagia...sekaligus menerima akibat pilihan itu...

Setiap kali wat pilihan....

Hati jadi keutamaan..kemana hati..

Kuat pada pilihan yang mana...

Dan kali ni...

Apa aku harus buat pilihan lagi?

Atau lari dari pilihan ini...


Apa pon jadi...

Aku cuma harap...

Aku buat benda betul dan tak lukakan hati orang...


Sunday, September 8, 2013



Feeling like writing something..

For all these years..I have been here and there..jumping job..hoping for the best..finding the right one..

Finding the soulmate seems like forever not to found..

And here I am..

Still dreaming bout you that I hate..

And here I am..

Taking the best two sentences you said to me when we were together...almost three years ago..

'berubah bukan untuk jadi orang lain tapi untuk jadi lebih baek'

That change me a lot..

'Allah tak pandang kejayaan Allah pandang usaha'

That make me work hard

And no doubt it keeps me going even my heart were severly torn by you..

I hate the fact that I make a stupid decision to be with you..

To love you to the fullest..

And everything fall apart...

And everything was just a big LIE

thanks for lying..

Coz keeps me going..

Sincerely to you my once lifetime crazy love..


I am fine thank you

Go stop feel guilty and make me dream of you again n again

Go marry her...the one you broke my heart for..


P/s: keeps the guilty feeling..coz its nothing