haluuu...adeh...actually aq xtau nk merapek ape ari nie....mmg aq ade plan sa2 entry sblm nie....aq dpt idea pun pas chatting ngan mmber maya yg aq ckp ari 2...tp entry tersebut mmrlukan mood agak kepandiran n kemerengan..n obviusly...mood 2 xde skng....haipppp...
mlm tdik aq check sa2 fb acc mmber aq nie..tekijut tenuk jap aq...bile mse aq kne delete ngan minah nie???!!..
bisik ati aq yg xbpe nk sng ngan tindakan beliau..bkn ape...aq kurg mngerti..sbb asenye kitorg xde gadoh madoh..n aq pon xde carik pasal ngan die...aq xde la kesah sgt...cme nk gak tau..sbb bese klu kite delete owg nie klu x kite mnyampah kat die..kite xnk amik tau pasal die...kite xnk die mnyibuk pasal kite..or kite mmg bgg kat die...hmm..musykil3...ahh~~lntak r..wat bdoh sude~~~
hmm ari nie siap pg2 smate2 nk g sa2 klas jep...ceh~~..nseb bek aq ade smgt nk g an..ehhee....TPM n menteri pngajian tggi dtg uum...aq?hahha..cm bese laaa..xamik port....klu putera raje ensem ke dtg nk gak aq menempel..kot2 die nk pinang aq an..hahahah....dah sa2 klas jep..aq blk tdik on9 bace paper..xde la menarik sgt citer...cm bese 2 lah...bosan2 bace paper aq duk blog walking..tgk otai2 blogger mnulis..blaja sket2 an...sblm mkn tgh ari tdik aq tdo dlu...xtau nape mate nie berat..lg pon tdo tgh ari kn pahale(hahah..alasan nk tdo)ley plak aq mimpi mcm2 lg kn....siap mimpi jmpe bf baru...adeh..apekejadahnye lah~~
nape la si damon salvatore xmuncul dlm mimpi aq..haha...dulu smlm aq ade bace blog spupu aq ayong..sempoi jep minah nie..then aq jmpe sst yg menarik...30 days photo challenge....cm best jep..ase cm nk wat jgk..hehe...
ape 2 30 days photo challenge?hmmm..nie senarai photo challenge 2..
Day 1 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts (you don't have to reveal your face)
Day 2 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest
Day 3 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show
Day 4 - A picture of something you'd like to do again
Day 5 - A picture of something you love
Day 6 - A picture that makes you laugh
Day 7 - A picture of the person you do the silliest things with
Day 8 - A picture of your hero / knight / heroine
Day 9 - A picture of you and the person who has gotten you through the most
Day 10 - A picture of your most treasured item
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate
Day 12 - A picture of your favorite memory
Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist
Day 14- A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you
Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity
Day 19 - A picture and a letter (choose any photo and write short entry to explain why you've chosen it)
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget
Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at
Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book
Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change
Day 25 - A picture of your favourite day
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you
Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member
Day 28- A picture of something you're afraid of
Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile
Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss
- i hate squid like helll!!..hahha
- i'm a day dreamer sumtime
- i'm a person who believe the theory of cause n effect..thats y sumtime i need to experience the pain of sumthing as a wake up call~~=)
- i luv guitar n plan to learn it someday
- sumtime people may misunderstood that my father's name is my name when i forgot 2 put the 'binti'...like Nurul Asyikin Ros Khiry...'Ros Khiry' is my father's name lohh~~~=P
- i luv 2 read about human psychology n fashion....doing free counselling is not a burden...n altering cloth make me happy=)....
- eye liner and contact lens are the compulsory items that i should have in my beg!
- i had bad habit of bitting pen...>.<
- seorg atlet balapan ketike di sekolah rendah n skolah menengah(smpai f2 jep)..i can run short distance only...hehehhe..100,200,4x100,4x200 n 400..hehehe
- i'm scared of dark and narrow place n also a snake!urghh~~
- saye geli kepale ikan keli..look like snake..nk mkn ikan keli kne POTONG KEPALA..hahah
- saye juge geli kepada kaki ayam yg digoreng mahupon di wat sup..cm kaki baby kne masak....eww~~
- i can cry when i miss someone soo damn much!...gosh!
- i luv cadbury hazelnut sooo much~~~=)
- deep inside....i had dream of becoming a famous Radio Dj like fara fauzana..hahha....wtfish~~(obviously a crap~~!!..heheh)
yeah~~..xde la amazing mne aq nie an..yup!..i'm totally simple gurl...=)
but i'm proud of who i am...
so ape kne mngene tajuk entry 2 ngan ape aq 2lis?hahha
XDE KENE MNGENE!!......kwang3..=p
p/s: sok aq nk amik test computer utk lesen kete..tp ape pon xbace lg....agk2 ley dpt 42/50 x klu aq rebus n minum je buku undg2 jln raye 2?hahahhaha
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