geng budak slumber

Thursday, May 12, 2011

pEreMpuAn CanTEk LeBih BerNaseb BaeK?

assalamulaikum kwn2..=)

korg wat pe?aq dmm..adeh..dah exam dmm lak...2 3 ari nie aq ade rase annoying giler ngan seseorg yg agak xphm rase aq da tunjukn rase ketidak sukaan aq pade sikap beliau cm xphm..mgkin beliau agak lampi..xpe lebih sket hint then aq ase kelampian die akn nk tepek sbb aq ase cm dah terang aq tunjuk...xpe2...try harder...

ok pe kes tetibe tajuk aq cenggini?hehee..ntah tetibe rase cm nk citer pasal sume nie...xtau aq da xbape ade pic an?line tenet lembap seyes dowh!..smpai aq give up xmo taruk pic ape pon..hahah...

betoi ke pompuan yg cantek nie lebih bernaseb baek dr pompuan kurg cantek?yakah3?ce citer ceciter..
heeh..sepanjang idup xtau la..same ade aq nie jenis rase sume owg cantek atau ramai pompuan cantek yg aq jmpe mmg bernaseb baek sgt2...klu x die kaye..die dpt bf setia nk mati..xpon die pndai..xpon mcm2 lah....

tp bile tgk2...usha2 lame sket..sbnrnye rezeki manusie nie beze2...kat fb aq ske tgk sesorg nie..pompuan tgk die bkn je cantek..ade suami yg yg happy...hati yg suci je aq tgk..walaupon beliau freehair......kdg2 rase how i wish my life would be like is unfair kan..but god is fair..saba2.

bab freehair 2 xde motip pon aq nk tulis..hahah..bkn kate die ingkar perintah tuhan die masih bahagie..x2 bkn2...mksud aq cm suami die xkesah pon tntang kekurgan die bab yg satu tu..adakah sbb die cantek?
cinta?betul ke bile kite tgk seseorg tu kite leh jatuh cinte..ala2 cinta pndg pertame 2...dah 2 nk jth cinta owg tgk mke dlu la eh?

aq terigt sesorg penah ckp ngan aq...hati owg cme akn tau bile dah 1st owg tgk mke kite dlu...luaran kite...hmm..mase beliau ckp cm 2 kat ase cm nk ngs pon ade..sbb cm demand ngan keprfect-an appearance aq..sabau je lah...uhuhuhu....tah mgkin ade benarnye...=)

ok2..sepnjng aq blaja pon...even ade gak la lec kate..klu owg cantek nie nmpak cm rezeki murh sket sbb menarik perhatian manusie...huhu..mmg truth hurt kan?terutame utk pompuan kurg nk cantek cm aq..hahah...skalik rendah dri..haha...=p tp mmg fitrah manusie ske mnde yg cantek..terutamanye perempuan kn?kn?

aq ase satu je mslh kite nie wahai pompuan yg rase drinye kurg cantek...kite xde confident...yup!..bile kite rase kite xcantek..level confident bergolek gedepuk ke peringkat bwh longkng pnye..2 pasal..g interview takot...mntak keje xde..hahhaha...bab bf xde tu bnyik desprate dah aq nie..hahahhaha...ok abaikan!..hahaha

betoi x kengkwn?sbb aq setuju bile ade kwn aq kate..pompuan yg cantek ialah pompuan yg nk confident lak utk aq..kne rase cantek...bak kate omputeh...feeling beautiful...tetibe rase cm nk nyanyi lagu u're beautiful kan..hahhaha...

xpe..kite cekidaut lirik mau?BEAUTIFUL BY CHRISTINA AGUILERA..

Every day is so wonderful
Then suddenly, it's hard to breathe
Now and then, I get insecure
From all the pain, I'm so ashamed

I am beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring me down
I am beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring me down
So don't you bring me down today

To all your friends, you're delirious
So consumed in all your doom
Trying hard to fill the emptiness
The pieces gone, left the puzzle undone
Is that the way it is

You are beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring you down
You are beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring you down
Don't you bring me down today...

No matter what we do
(no matter what we do)
No matter what we say
(no matter what we say)
We're the song inside the tune
Full of beautiful mistakes

And everywhere we go
(everywhere we go)
The sun will always shine
(sun will always shine)
And tomorrow we might wake on the other side
All the other times

We are beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring us down
We are beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring us down
Don't you bring me down today

Don't you bring me down today
Don't you bring me down today

leh bg smangat lagu neh..hiyahh!!...=) dah2 mrepek!

p/s: rase cm nk kumpl bnyk sokln nk tnye kat seseorg ahad nie..mati la beliau kne jwb soklan aq cm final exam..hahah..naseb kau lah~~..


Cikbeyla Nabiella said...

yeahh, be confident! itulah kunci nye!

AsyieqiN Rkey said...

yup!tapi nk confident kne feel beautiful camane tuh?hahah