geng budak slumber

Thursday, July 12, 2012

why my gurlfrenz rox!

assalamualaikum n peace!

heeeeeee...mak tak busy ari nie nyahhh...*tetibe*

you know..*bajek london* its sooo damn gud to have u're gurl texting u everyday....yes...EVERYDAY....

and so damn gud to have them around you...n you feel so closed despite the fact that there were far far your heart of cozzz...

perkh..tetibe ter-speaking...kehkehke...

ini cuma random thing...likeee usual...I thought bout dis while I'm texting my gurl pina..

again..u inspire me to write sumthing pina..tehehehhe..

dis is why my gurls rox!


1. texting a gurlfren "weh aku nak berak la plak" is simply funny...they won't judge me...

2. adoring guys is like a hobby which not really a hobby?eh?watever..I can always tell them no matter I'm seriously in love, juz play around or juz waisting my time..they would never call me bitch...they call confuse instead..khekehke

BBQ last my rieda and ejat!

3. changing status as a wife and mum won't tear us apart...or  change who we use to be..we still the same "OMG that gurls are crazy" kinda gurl...hehe


nana..besfren since darjah 5...on her wedding she's pregnant!

4. we can tell each other fat and laugh..n sharing slimming tips that we won't try...bahahaha
ena....BFF since 1st dah pakai tudung...cantekkan?

5. we always plan things together...reunion...hang out...but for sure..things always gonna be unexpected...crazy ideas pop up everytime
on my 23rd besday celebration!

6. we encourage each other...especially in order to look gorgeous...or nice...or funny....>.<

7. we can stand each others bad habit...snores?ayaq liuq meleleh?go crazy over SALES?fart?searching the cheapest price?surveying 2 superbig mall a day?goddamn choosy in buying things?named it...we do tired of it sometimes...but most of the time it become "funny stuff" when we talk bout it

8. each other of course...never got tired of the same drama..the same problem...we called it 'meroyan' time....advice needed...even over thing like "should I buy blue jeans or black jeans" or even stupid stuff like deciding to go to toilet first or to eye on super expensive handbag!

nurul..teman hati ke hati....

yana+pina...meng-go cart di UUM

9. I can cry and laugh at the same time with them..they will never call me crazy..ok..I lie...they would call me crazy...but crazy in a cuter way..=P

10. They always there..always..keep me standing...tell me whenever I wrong or forget...

11. if anyone on will be two choice...we go crazy try to make that person give up coz they already super skinny...or try to encourage them....depends on situation...but most of the time we think...getting fat is cute and sexy..khahakakah

12. we hate same kind of guys...especially 'the superJERK' ex!

heee...anddd the listtt goesss onnnnnn and onnnn...

enough said.

they rox!

in every way..

coz these MY GULRZ!

P/S: nie la akibatnye kalau dah start mengodek album lama!


Shafina Nadirah said...

NICE.. =)
speechless.. =)
we alwayz "rox" 2gether..

p/s: touching jap.. sob sob sob..
kasih sayang x perlu dinyatakan dgn perkataan i lap u.. ckup sekadar 'hadap' bersama..

AsyieqiN Rkey said...



i lap u more!!!!!!

mustakim ramli said...

gambar xminta izin..nak kna saman ni

AsyieqiN Rkey said...

hahahahhaha.....jgn la musss..jangan laaaa