geng budak slumber

Thursday, September 1, 2011

LoNg goNe aNd Move On

assalamualaikum n selamat hari raye kwn2..=)

peace yaw!aku busy okeh..hahah..bajek2....

memang aku tade mood nak raye taun nie...seyesly..but dis year aidilfitri turn out to be sooo damn different and awesome...

merasa wat lemang sendiri,bakar sate sendiri...kacau dodol..wahh..kat tempat sendiri takde nie..dah tak merasa..sob~~sobs~~kampung ayah advance sangat..sume pakat beli je...=.='

noob gile bile kene buli ngan wan den lurus je kikis gula melaka padahal leh masuk je seketul2 tu dalam kawah...pandai uwan wat lawak eh...sabau je leee...

membajek princess..hahah

nak citer ape wat time raye rasa cam sengal..tah napa bile aku tengok pic aku feeling2 princess nie aku teringat nak wat nie...happy reading..=)


its never been easy
its also not so tough
but its quite rough
and the price is high

i survive trough it
i stand although not so straight
my bad to come into your life
my bad to put so much hope
so i'm not turning back now

long gone and move on
while my heart feel it was yesterday
while i feel so damn tired

farewell dear
farewell love
me is no one to you now
me is no one forever

p/s: mengedik tahap gaban sambil perasan cantek di merata tempat..kehkeh...bile lagi nak amik pic manyak2 kalau bukan time raye ye dak?

1 comment:

cik sakura said...

dah xlarat..dari tadi budak2 datang beraya..minum je sambil tunggu duit raya..