geng budak slumber

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

the JuDgiNg Life

assalamualaikum n sejahtera kwn2..=)

rise and shine...don't forget to smile...the lebar2 smile one...ok manglish!...=.='

what to do...i'm malaysian...

"A 15 year old girl holds hand with her 1 year old son.People call her slut,no one knows she was raped at 13.People call another guy fat. No one knows he has a serious disease causing him to be overweight.People call an old man ugly. No one knew he had a serious injury to his face while fighting for our country in the war.People call a women bald but they don't know she has cancer...this is what we called LIFE"

credit to ikmal hisham

nice one kan?aku amik kat fb my junior back in UUM...

actually bagi aku...this is what we called judging people...our perception in what we see...


kita jarang fikir panjang sebelum judge orang ye dak?

lecturer aku penah cakap...judging nie memang natural human  tendency...sebab tu bile kite nak g interview keje..first impression tu sangat penting...tapi tu crite carik keje n interview..nie citer life...tehehhe


ok..ape aku cuba sampaikan....ada masa tak salah nak judge orang..masing2 punya pasal..tapi simpan ketat2 dalam hati...jangan sampai menyakitkan hati orang n terlalu prejudis..

sebab camana kite leh sedap2 judge tu gak orang leh sedap2 judge kite...

take a deep breath...think for a minute before nak kua statement pape yang mengambarkan your judgement terhadap least u won't regret it when u say something that might hurt someone ye dak?

ok got it?ke tak paham?kehekeh...

paling tak..give others the chance to prove what's beyond our knowledge..beyond what we see..bukan astro beyond..kehekehkhek....=p

kesimpulannye aku nak cakap..bersangka baek..tapi jangan naif sangat..sebab manusia nie macam2...hehe...

ok sebelum korang bertambah konpius bek aku stop..

ok bai!hehe

p/s: cam best je nokia e7...kehkehkeh


cik sakura said...

dalam hidup ini sebelum kita menilai orang kita kena nilai diri sendiri dulu..

AsyieqiN Rkey said...

betoi tu cik sakura..=)